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Tech news and tutorials for and by DevOps | Kopax

Tech news and tutorials for and by DevOps | Kopax

Tech news and tutorials for and by DevOps

How to use React.Children.toArray to design re-usable components with a simple API

How to use React.Children.toArray to design re-usable components with a simple API

In this demo, I will show how to interface two or more components to assemble reusable components (fixed functionality defined) with your API interfaced on props.children

> 3 min read
How I made a home made free and unlimited SMS server with Docker and Gammu for 5 dollars

How I made a home made free and unlimited SMS server with Docker and Gammu for 5 dollars

While working on an integration to send SMS messages to their users for a customer, I started to think my own solution so this could be done without paying any external service, learn how I did a 5 USD a free and unlimited SMS server with Docker and Gammu.

> 4 min read
How to wait for a service to be up in Bash using cURL

How to wait for a service to be up in Bash using cURL

Within a CI process, you might want to hold the process until service is starting up, this is how you can do with bash and curl

> 1 min read
How to neutralize or destroy your Linux operating system in one command

How to neutralize or destroy your Linux operating system in one command

This is no joke, you might want to neutralize your Linux system, learn how here.

> 1 min read
Generate a printable booklet on Debian

Generate a printable booklet on Debian

I often prefer to print my task list, this script will help you to create a printable booklet on Debian to save paper (and the planet)

> 1 min read
Blog opening

Blog opening

After decades of sofware development, I finally opened this blog which is under active development, stay tuned for futur news

> 1 min read